Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Winter weather or so they say

When I was a kid I loved looking forward to a snow day. Growing up in the South - snow days were almost as exciting as Christmas morning...almost. I grew up on a street with lots of kids. On a snow day, everyone would meet outside, and the building would begin. There were snow forts, snowmen, sculptures, and yes, the never ending snowball fight. One of the oddest things we would try is bike riding in the snow. It never really worked, but we tried.

Because winter weather was not the norm, finding matching gloves was always difficult. We were not prepared for the day to day winter attire that some kids in other parts of the country would have to prepare for. I would have to dig deep in the closet of our playroom. If one of my brothers or my sister got there first then I would have to use socks. Yes, socks. Sounds pathetic and it was.
I have been asked multiple times...what's with the milk and bread? Folks would ask, Why is it that when there is threatening winter weather in the South that everyone goes out and buys milk and bread? Well, that's easy, French toast. Now that this little secret is out of the bag, can we move on?

Today, it is different. It seems that ice storms are more prevalent. Freezing rain gathering on power lines and trees. It's just not what I remember. Anyway, it's where we are.
The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning. Rain, snow, sleet, and freezing rain. Those who know me, know that I love watching the weather. NOAA is my "drug" of choice. Everyone else, The Weather Channel included, base their predictions on the information that NOAA's atmospheric explorers provide.
On Sunday evening, the first prediction of winter weather on Thursday was mentioned. A 30% chance of a wintry mix. Today, at 5:17pm, it is now a 100% chance. So, here I sit...looking toward the West. From my vantage point, I can see my alma mater, Pine Street School. I bet it was crazy today! Just the small mention of snow, and kids go nuts.
There are two things that I have learned from today's school kids. If you want it to snow then you must sleep with your pajamas inside out and backwards and you must sleep with a spoon under your pillow. Now, a quick Internet search shows a reference to these rituals. There seems to be some debate on whether you should use a silver spoon or a wooden spoon. Sacred Heart University's newspaper, The Spectrum, has an article on this phenomena. One ritual mentioned is putting a frozen white crayon under your pillow. Hmmm. I don't know. I guess it is better than an ice cube.
Anyway, the sun is setting and clouds are slowly starting to move in. Is this it? Or will we wake up sorely disappointed? Just in case I need to turn my PJs inside out, put a spoon (wooden and silver) under my pillow, and find some gloves. My sock days are over!


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