Friday, January 26, 2007


The City of Spartanburg sponsored an essay writing contest for the City's 175th birthday (1831-2006). By the way, 175 is referred to as Septaquintaquinquecentennial. The contest was titled "Living in Spartanburg."

On January 22, 2007, City Council recognized the winners of the contest. One young man from Pine Street School was recognized. The title of his essay, "The #1 City" caught my eye. In his one and a half page essay he writes, "The thing about Spartanburg that makes me happy to be living here is that this City holds so many fun events. There's Dickens of a Christmas, the annual Spartanburg Easter Egg Hunt, and the Spartanburg Library's Jamboread."

Well said, young man! The outcome of this effort is a $500 saving bond, and his essay is placed in the City's time capsule.

I wonder...if in 100 years...if Jamboread! will become Jambotelepathy!


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