Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Funding for South Carolina's Libraries

The General Assembly will convene the second Tuesday in January. In my world, there are two seasons: football and legislative. The legislative “season” or better said, “session” will last far longer than football season. A typical legislative session ends around the end of May. It always depends on the work and the possible need to carryover into June to complete unfinished business.

The last four years South Carolina’s Libraries have been able to successfully communicate the needs of their local communities. This year, the Association of Public Library Administrators (APLA) will urge the General Assembly to increase funding for public libraries. The justification for such requests is not complex or unreasonable. The argument is clear. Support to libraries is support that goes directly into communities benefiting people at the local level. State funding has been used for materials, staff, facilities and technology.

Dwight McInvail, Georgetown County Public Library, and I serve as co-chairs of APLA's Legislative Committee. Our responsibilities include organizing Library Legislative Day, direct communication with lawmakers regarding budget requests, working with APLA's lobbyist, Jim Johnson, presenting to the House Ways and Means Committee/Senate Finance Committee as needed, and cooridnating the State's public library director's to make certain they are communicating with their local Representatives and Senators.

The Association's request includes three areas:
1. Increase per capita State Aid to County Libraries to $3.00, additional $2,250,762 recurring funds for a total of about $12,119,457 [targeted for collections and salaries]

2. Lottery funds of $50,000 per county, $2,300,000 non-recurring [targeted for technology]

3. Public Library Construction funds for 12 projects, $13,250,000 non-recurring funds

The 12 projects and amounts are:
Abbeville $1,000,000
Greenwood $2,000,000
AHJ $1,000,000
Marion $1,000,000
Beaufort $1,000,000
Marlboro $1,000,000
Clarendon $1,000,000
Newberry $1,000,000
Fairfield $1,000,000
Union $1,000,000
Florence $ 250,000
York $2,000,000

I am looking forward to a productive legislative year. I'll keep you posted as we move forward.


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