Back from the Grand Strand, and I am fairly worn out. The beach in the off season always offers a different perspective. I had mentioned that I was going to Myrtle Beach with 15 teens...actually 13. I am always amazed at the level of energy a group of teens can generate. Asleep at 2:00am, up at 7:00am- full day of activities - a game of midnight football under a full moon on the beach, back to bed at 1:30am, up at 7:30am - drive home.
The cigarette lighter was plugged in with charging cell phones and i-pods. The teens were texting at midnight, and they were texting at 3:00 in the afternoon. They were taking pictures with their cell phones, and sending photos to friends. They would listen to the guest speaker with one earbud dropped, so they could listen to music, too. They don't slow down!
My planned informal survey did not come together as there were too many other things happening.
I did have a funny encounter with a security guard.The guard at the hotel was Lenny. He has retired to the Grand Strand from Buffalo, New York. It was about 11:00 on Saturday night and I was parking the van at an off-site parking facility. Lenny provided the ride back from the parking area back to the hotel. He asked where I was from, and I told him Spartanburg. He got excited and said (in a very upstate New York accent), "I have been to Spartanburg! I heard they built this great library for 15 million dollars and I didn't believe it, so I went up there to see for myself, and you know, they did. It was the most beautiful library I have ever seen. Now Greenville has one, too."
I was little taken aback. I introduced myself, and he got even more excited about the Friends of the Libraries' book sale. He and his wife run a small used book store, and they travel to the book sale for their shop.
If I wasn't so beat...I would have spent more time with Lenny. I gave him my business card, and asked him to look me up the next time he was in town. I'll make certain that he receives the .25 cent tour.
I love it when things like this just never know...